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Can you relocate with your child after divorcing?


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When you get a divorce with children, most people assume that they will be able to continue living with their children. They expect that they’ll live close to the other parent or figure out a way to make regular custody exchanges.

What about if you need to relocate, though? Can you take your child, and how far can you go? It’s not easy to give you an answer without looking into your specific case, but relocation is a tricky subject.

For some people, relocation will be a possibility. For others, relocation isn’t going to be possible. How do you know if it’s possible in your situation? That will come down to your negotiations with the other parent and what happens if you make a request for the modification of your custody arrangements.

New job? Relocation might be possible

If you get a new job offer or could improve your career by moving away, you may want to take that opportunity. Whether or not your child can come with you will depend on if the other parent agrees and if the move is in your child’s best interests.

If you ask the court to allow you to relocate with your child, you should be prepared to show why the move is in their best interests. Will they see family more often? Will they go to a better school? They benefits will need to outweigh the losses that come from disrupting the child’s current life.

A judge may not be comfortable allowing the relocation if your child is currently doing well at school, the other parent doesn’t agree with the move and there is no real benefit to the move other than a raise or being closer to one or two family members. The burden will be on you to prove why this is such an important move and how it can positively impact your child.

Relocation can be a tough topic. If you want to relocate, your first option is to talk to the other parent about your wishes and what you want for your child. If you don’t agree with one another, then you can consider taking your request to court.

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