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October, 2021 | Fuller & Ahern, P.C.


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2 things to do if pulled over on DUI suspicion in Colorado

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Oct 25, 2021 | Dui

Let’s make this clear: Driving while under influence is a bad idea. Do not do it. It is illegal, it endangers your life, and most importantly, it endangers the lives of other road users. Drink responsibly, but if you cannot, be an adult and get a cab or call a...

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Let’s make this clear: Driving while under influence is a bad idea. Do not do it. It is illegal, it endangers your life, and most importantly, it endangers the lives of other road users. Drink responsibly, but if you cannot, be an adult and get a cab or call a...

What happens during a field sobriety test in Colorado?

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Oct 12, 2021 | Dui

When a police officer thinks you had too much to drink before getting behind the wheel, they will ask you to exit your vehicle during a traffic stop. Then, they will have you perform a series of tasks to evaluate your performance.  These field sobriety tests are often...

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When a police officer thinks you had too much to drink before getting behind the wheel, they will ask you to exit your vehicle during a traffic stop. Then, they will have you perform a series of tasks to evaluate your performance.  These field sobriety tests are often...

What happens to your inheritance if you divorce in Colorado?

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Oct 6, 2021 | Family Law, Uncategorized

When you marry your spouse, you combine your household and your finances to share assets and resources. Much of the divorce process will focus on how you separate your financial circumstances after sharing everything for so long. Certain assets will likely wind up...

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When you marry your spouse, you combine your household and your finances to share assets and resources. Much of the divorce process will focus on how you separate your financial circumstances after sharing everything for so long. Certain assets will likely wind up...