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What makes a DUI an aggravated DUI?


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Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in Colorado. There is no easy way around fighting such a charge, especially if one is accused of an aggravated DUI. What is an aggravated DUI and what are the penalties?

Most people know that DUI stands for driving under the influence. It means that a person is accused of operating a motor vehicle with an impairing substance in his or her system — usually alcohol. An aggravated DUI charge happens when some other form of serious violation is committed simultaneously. Aggravating factors may include:

  • Repeat offender
  • Minors in automobile
  • Driving without privileges
  • Speeding
  • Extreme blood alcohol content

The penalties for DUI charges are all over the board. They may include jail time, loss of driving privileges, imprisonment, court ordered rehabilitation or fines — among various others. The penalties for an aggravated DUI conviction may be on the extreme end since there is more to the situation than just driving while impaired.

Fighting an aggravated DUI charge is not something that will prove to be an easy feat. The state of Colorado simply does not take such cases lightly. This does not mean it is impossible to achieve an outcome that best serves one’s current and future interests. One’s legal counsel will have the ability to review the case details and fully investigate the matter. In doing so, information may come to light that can help move the case in a positive direction, whether that be moving toward a dismissal of charges or at least achieving a reduction in charges and associated penalties.

Source: FindLaw, “Aggravated DUI“, Accessed on Oct. 18, 2017

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