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In a pot-related accident? Felony charges may follow


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There is a drug problem in Colorado. This is news that isn’t new. Pot was legalized in the state back in 2013, but this has not necessarily been a good thing. According to a recent report, the number of pot-related auto accidents with fatal outcomes is on the rise, and those accused of causing these events may face felony charges as a result. 

The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area recently issued a report that says fatal accidents that are marijuana-related have more than doubled since the drug’s legalization. In the year 2016, 20 percent of traffic deaths in the state were pot-related. That is a pretty significant increase from 2011’s 9 percent.

As far as marijuana use goes, Colorado teens and adults rank number one in the nation. College-age marijuana users, however, are slightly lower, but still enough to rank number two in the nation when compared to the national average. It is just so easily accessible to anyone who is looking for it.

Just because a drug is legal to take and easy to get does not make it okay to use and endanger the lives of others. Unfortunately, this is what happens when people get high and then get behind the wheel. When pot-related auto accidents occur and serious bodily injury or death result, the driver responsible will likely face felony charges for driving while impaired. The consequences for such a crime may include imprisonment and hefty fines — among others — if a conviction is achieved. Fighting such charges can prove difficult; however, with help, it is possible to seek the best outcome possible.

Source:, “Report: pot related crime and crashes up in Colorado“, Matt Vanderveer, Oct. 10, 2017

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