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A criminal conviction could cost PO worker his job


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A Colorado Springs post office worker has been placed on leave, following accusations that he has been stealing mail. Several residents complained of missing mail for a few months, and an investigation into the matter led authorities to this one employee. A criminal conviction could cost him his job and make it extremely difficult to find work in the future. As such, how he fights his case in court is really important.

According to reports, the accused was working his regular shift on Dec. 20. Investigators are said to have placed a tracker in a letter that was assigned to be delivered on his route. The tracker allegedly showed the accused picking up the letter, carrying it throughout the day and then taking it to his car at the end of his shift. Police pulled him over and searched his car. They claim to have found 80 letters, including the one with the tracker, all addressed to other people.

The accused was promptly arrested and taken to a holding facility. Authorities have yet to supply a list of charges expected in this case. Court dates for this matter have also not been released to the public.

Stealing mail is a serious federal crime. A criminal conviction, as previously stated, could cost this gentleman his job and could result in him spending years behind bars. With so much on the line, the accused can help himself by seeking out an experienced attorney who will be able to assist him in fighting his case in a Colorado criminal court.

Source:, “Colorado Springs postal carrier arrested for stealing mail”, James Walters, Andrew McMillan and Colleen Sikora, Dec. 27, 2017

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