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January, 2016 | Fuller & Ahern, P.C.


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We’re here to guide you through your misdemeanor charge

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Jan 28, 2016 | Misdemeanors

Defendants often feel the impulse to talk to police as soon as they learn that they have been charged with a crime. This urge is understandable, especially since most people simply want their side of events to be heard. Despite efforts to appear as if they are on your...

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Defendants often feel the impulse to talk to police as soon as they learn that they have been charged with a crime. This urge is understandable, especially since most people simply want their side of events to be heard. Despite efforts to appear as if they are on your...

Colorado police file felonies against man accused of arson

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Jan 20, 2016 | Felonies

A Colorado man is facing criminal charges for an act that he claims to only have dreamed of, with no recollection of ever acting on it. His charges currently include multiple felonies as well as one misdemeanor count for a fire that caused serious damage to his...

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A Colorado man is facing criminal charges for an act that he claims to only have dreamed of, with no recollection of ever acting on it. His charges currently include multiple felonies as well as one misdemeanor count for a fire that caused serious damage to his...

Independent lab finds flaws in Colorado’s blood tests for DUI

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Jan 13, 2016 | Drunk Driving

Law enforcement in Colorado is no stranger to faulty blood testing in DUI cases. In 2013 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment was shut down after blood testing was found to be biased against defendants and staff was found to be poorly trained to...

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Law enforcement in Colorado is no stranger to faulty blood testing in DUI cases. In 2013 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment was shut down after blood testing was found to be biased against defendants and staff was found to be poorly trained to...

Felony charge dismissed, local nurse relieved

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Jan 13, 2016 | Felonies

The criminal court system demands that each and every defendant be presumed innocent unless a prosecutor is able to establish by a strict measure of proof that all aspects of a charge are not only viable but also true. Not only may a defendant be found not guilty at...

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The criminal court system demands that each and every defendant be presumed innocent unless a prosecutor is able to establish by a strict measure of proof that all aspects of a charge are not only viable but also true. Not only may a defendant be found not guilty at...

Felony charge filed against psychic who allegedly scammed client

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Jan 5, 2016 | Felonies

Police in Colorado claim that a local psychic could not foresee her own future after her alleged activity led to an arrest. A felony charge for theft was filed after accusations that she had scammed approximately $200,000 from a single client came to light. That...

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Police in Colorado claim that a local psychic could not foresee her own future after her alleged activity led to an arrest. A felony charge for theft was filed after accusations that she had scammed approximately $200,000 from a single client came to light. That...